Softwares & Datasets



Regions of correlated change datasets

Some synthetic datasets. I will put up some documentation for them (hopefully) soon. In meantime, please contact me for further details.
cross dataset
different dataset
combo dataset
farSameCloseDiff dataset

Some other interesting dynamic graphical datasets.
Web access logs for (Football/Soccer) World Cup 98
BGP routing data, collected by the Routeviews project
Internet Mapping Project, conducted by Bill Cheswick

Dynamic Blockmodelling Datasets

Synthetic dataset used for the KDD 2012 paper. I have only unloaded the 75% density dataset, as they are quite big.
If you are using this dataset, please kindly cite the KDD 2012 paper (“SeqiBloc: Mining Multi-time Spanning Blockmodels in Dynamic Graphs”) – thanks.

Blockmodel comparison datasets

Synthetic dataset used in the blockmodelling comparison paper.